Dark Chocolate Covered Pretzels

I’m not a big fan of sweets, in fact all of my Halloween candy goes straight to my parents and my siblings. Yet, chocolate covered pretzels have a special place in my heart. The crunchy outside layer of chocolate complements the pretzel in the best way possible!


-1 cup of Mini pretzels

-1 cup of dark chocolate chips

-½ cup of milk


Step #1: In a small saucepan, start 2 cups of water in a high boil. In a medium sized bowl, add the chocolate chips and half of the milk.

Step #2: Place the bowl on top of the boiling water to create a “double boiler”. Using an oven mitt, hold the bowl and mix the chocolate until it turns velvety and smooth, about 3 minutes.

Step #3: Remove the chocolate from the double boiler and place on a counter top. Drop the pretzels into the chocolate and fully coat. Do this with all the pretzels.

Step #4: Once finished you should have some chocolate left. Use the rest of the milk and place onto the double boiler to melt again and turn a lighter brown. With that, use to drizzle over the pretzels for decoration.

Step 4#: Leave to rest in the fridge overnight. The next morning place in the fridge for 30- 45 minutes to reassure they keep their form. Enjoy 💙